These are giant horse pills that will make you gag, but they get the job done!! If you can stand to swallow 4 a day, they will definitely improve your workouts.
They are slightly larger than a fish oil pill, but not as big as a flaxseed oil pill.

I have tried a few test boosters that produce little or no results. After a week on these I could absolutely feel the difference. Recent blood test confirm that my Test levels almost doubled.

This olive oil is definately high quality.

Got 2 bottles by accident and now I'm getting pumped up. Love it

This product really works and let me tell you, it works GREAT! I felt the difference in less than a week. I was really skeptical. Now I can’t recommend this enough.

They’re super big, but you only take 3 vs the 4 if other brands…. Idk if they work, they made me dizzy so I stopped using them—- google said it’s a normal side effect but I could not deal with it

I felt my body get adjusted and it worked for a better work out

Se los recomiendo ayuda mucho con la circulación desde que comencé a usarlo el dolor en las piernas desapareció por completo debido a mi trabajo paso muchas horas de pie y muchas veces sentía un dolor muy fuerte y gracias a este producto puedo disfrutar de mi trabajo y ya no sufro de dolores se los recomiendo amigos

These supplements seem to help my husband with his over mood and energy level thur out the day.


My husband has been taking these for more than a year now. He's working out has been better.

This product is great, and notice the benefits on the second week of taking them. I notice a change in strength and muscle mass. Also notice my libido rising a lot lol loved this product.

Been taking this product for couple days now , I actually feel stronger and more energized. Taste is okay , like the results so far would recommend if your trying to improve in life activities

Been taking for about a month. Gives me energy. Need to give it more time to see how well it works.

I have a week on this and i feel great, more energy